Saturday, August 31, 2019

My Ideal Job as a Teacher

ECONOMIC Impact of business Closure in Claiborne County, Mississippi Abstract Historically Claiborne and other counties in the region depended on small-scale agriculture and was an attractive location for light manufacturing. Today, many of these advantages have been lost and firms that made up the bulk of the economic activities in the areas are disappearing in large numbers. Hence, per capita income falls and people migrate to more prosperous areas, leaving the region deeply depressed. Using descriptive as well as inferential methods to analyze data, results show interesting trends, especially with regard to business migration.Socioeconomic variable are largely responsible for business closure that have seriously devastated the economic well-being of the county. This means that every effort should be made to improve social conditions and improve the educational system. ECONOMIC Impact of Business Closure in Claiborne County, Mississippi Introduction: Traditionally, Mississippi is o ne of the poorest states in the United States with agriculture as the mainstay of the economy. It is the second in the nation in cotton production exceeded only by Texas.Mississippi is also the world’s largest producer of pond-raised catfish and the leading shrimp producing state in the U. S. A. The comparative underdevelopment of the state has been worsened in recent years by the closure of several manufacturing businesses both during the periods of economic boom and especially so during the economic downturn. Hypothesis: The general objective of this study is to establish predominant reasons for the closure of major jobs providing industries in Claiborne County. I believe the general cause of business closure is that per capita income dictates the purchasing power of the community which does impact business losure based on information obtained from former business owners. Materials: 1. Listing of former business (Port Gibson Main Street) 2. Former Business Owners 3. Data fr om local school district 4. Data from United States Census Bureau 5. Spread sheet Procedure: 1. Interviewed former business owners 2. Obtained data from my local school district 3. Obtained data from Mississippi Unemployment Commission 3. Obtained data from the United States Census Bureau 4. Complied data Results: Per capital income, unemployment rate, graduation and poverty rate all are significant for Claiborne County.However, while other factors may be instrumental in promoting business development and retention, socioeconomic variable play a crucial role and should not be underestimated in policy decisions geared at attracting and retaining businesses in Claiborne County, Mississippi. Conclusion: In my conclusion, concerns for improvement in quality of rural communities are forced on business development. Many rural communities are normally classed by weak economies due to their dependency on agro based and externally owned businesses. The survival of businesses, especially smal l scale business has positive impact on the rural economies.Therefore, business closure is a major constraint to economic growth and should be avoided at all cost. With a better understanding that the main contributing factors to business failure in Claiborne County are of social and economic nature, greater effort can be made to improve these conditions; to not only attract new businesses, but to retain them after they have been established. Map showing location of Claiborne County [pic] Conceptual Model Per Capita Income: Changes in Per Capita Income reflect economic development in a community. Unemployment Rate:Grand Gulf Nuclear Power Plant is one of the largest employers located in this county. Very few other business entities have come to the area. As with several surrounding cities and neighborhoods, the recent closing and downsizing of businesses have made the unemployment rates increase. Poverty Rate: The rate of poverty is an important social indicator of the well-being of America’s poor. It is also a useful tool to help shape Federal policies aimed at helping the needy. Poverty still remains a problem in many communities especially in rural areas. High School Graduation Rate:Human capital development in terms of formal education is a important tool for community development. It has become a strategy for community restructuring. Increasing changes in the structure of businesses require that some level of formal education be attained. The levels of education in rural communities are however dismal. ———————– Business Closure Business Failure in Claiborne County Lead To: Poverty Rate Unemployment Rate Per Capita Income High School Graduation Rate Poor Housing Infrastructure Low Economic Well-being of Residents Low Labor Force Migration Poor Schools and Other Infrastructure

Friday, August 30, 2019

Business Explore

The rise of integrated reporting and increased investor focus on extra-financial factors are part of a new global attitude toward business. One example of this trend is provided by research from Ceres, an advocacy organization for sustainability leadership, into the evolution of sustainability practice in companies (Ceres, 2014; Ceres & Ramani, 2015). To understand what makes some companies more useful when it comes to delivering sustainability performance without sacrificing mission, Ceres focused its studies on how boards and directors provide oversight for sustainability. Their research discovered that by making both executives and governing boards formally accountable for sustainability performance, organizations can face the increasing pressure to deliver on sustainability and maintain social mission. Governance practices can provide a framework for building mission into the DNA of organizations. To take this inquiry further, more research is needed to capture current learning across sectors and to identify mission-supportive governance practice as it evolves. Sharing this information with budding social entrepreneurs, MBA students and investors, to increase their understanding of governance as a solution to mission challenges, could help develop more sophisticated attitudes toward the role of governance across the sector. Additionally, more research into Mission monitoring that makes use of metrics and enables governing boards and managers to evaluate mission alongside financial performance and deliver oversight and accountability in both areas is needed. Investor engagement is another area where more research could be beneficial. As the sector continues to expand into the mainstream, new investors will be joining the boards of growing social entrepreneurships and exerting their influence. More work on how the leaders of these organizations can create proactive strategies to identify investors who align with the mission and negotiate favorable terms for mission preservation would be welcome. More research into how investor behavior, and the impact that has on mission preservation, could yield clues as to why so many businesses find mission pushed to the margins as they grow. There is also room for developing practical resources to help social entrepreneurships establish effective investor engagement and communication strategies. As the sector matures, finding the right people remains challenging for organizations in the hectic scaling stage. More extensive use of skills matrices—and matrices developed especially for mission-driven businesses—could help. A specialist referral service, online skills bank or recruiting agency could be established to connect organizations with appropriate candidates.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Australia and China Tade Essay

China is a country located in East Asia. It is the world’s most populous country, with a population of over 1.35 billion. China is the fourth largest country in the world behind Russia, Canada, and the United States. Australia is a continent and a country in the Southern Hemisphere, lying to the south of Southeast Asia, which divides the Indian and South Pacific Oceans. The population of Australia is 23 million. In 2009 China surpassed Japan to become Australia’s largest export market, the Australian and Chinese economies are strongly complementary. As a result, our trade and investment relationship is substantial and has developed well beyond its modest beginnings in the 1970s. According to Australian statistics, two-way merchandise trade has grown from $113 million in 1973, just after the establishment of diplomatic relations, to $78.2 billion in 2009. China is Australia’s largest trading partner, with total trade (goods and services) in 2009 valued at $85.1 billion, an increase of 15.1 per cent over the previous year. Government and/or NGO Roles: The Australian Government established the Australia-China Council (ACC) in 1978 to promote mutual understanding and foster people-to-people relations between Australia and China. The Chairperson is appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, who also appoints the Board members. The function of the Council is to make recommendations to the Australian Government through the Minister for Foreign Affairs on strengthening the Australia-China relationship in ways that support Australia’s foreign and trade policy interests. The Australia China Business Council (ACBC) is a membership-based, non-profit, non-governmental organisation comprising of a National Office, six Branches, and more than 1500 representatives from over 700 Australian companies who do business with China. Founded in 1973, ACBC actively promotes two-way trade and investment, and economic cooperation and understanding, between the business communities of Australia and China. ACBC plays an influential role as an advisor to the Australian Government on commercial relations with China. They are a strong supporter of the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and China to foster more competitive business in both nations. Founded in Beijing in 1996, The China-Australia Chamber of Commerce’s (AustCham Beijing) overriding goal is to advance Australian Business in China. It functions to provide members with the information, resources and contacts they need to succeed in China. The Chamber maintains a good working relationship with the Australian Embassy and with the various Australian government departments in China. AustCham is a non-profit organization, which operates independently from government. It is funded entirely by their membership and Chamber activities. Together with their sister AustChams in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, they work to promote strong trade and investment links between Australia and China. Treaties and Agreements- formal and/or informal: On the 18th of April 2005, Australia and China agreed to commence negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) following consideration of a joint FTA Feasibility Study. The study was completed in March 2005, and concluded that there would be significant economic benefits for both Australia and China through the negotiation of an FTA. From April 2013, WESTPAC and ANZ banks will now be the first to directly trade Australian dollars into Chinese Yuan. Due to this fact, deepening of relationships between China and Australia, it signals deepening of trade connections and great opportunities for future growth.† Advantages and Disadvantages to Australia of this link: Advantages: Employment will increase in exporting industries and workers will be displaced as import competing industries fold (close down) in the competitive environment. With free trade many jobs have been created in Australia, especially in manufacturing and service industries Consumers benefit in the domestic economy as they can now obtain a greater variety of goods and services. The increased competitions ensure goods and services, are supplied at the lowest prices. Disadvantages: This can impact upon large numbers of workers, their families and local economies. Often it can be difficult for workers to find employment in growth industries and government assistance is necessary. This means that businesses, employees and consumers are more vulnerable to downturns in the economies of our trading partners. Future Direction of link: Australia and China share a strong and rapidly growing trade and economic relationship. Further strengthening and deepening this relationship is a major priority for both countries, with both governments committed to sustaining the impressive trade and investment performance achieved in the past two decades. In that time, China has become Australia’s largest two-way trading partner and vital to Australia’s future economic prosperity.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

To begin assignment read Henry Mintzberg's article (enclosed) The Fall Essay

To begin assignment read Henry Mintzberg's article (enclosed) The Fall and Rise of Strategic Planning (Harvard Business Review, January-February 1994) - Essay Example One weakness with strategic planning is that it is comprised of a calculated approach which is fixed towards attaining a goal in contrast to strategic thinking which is committed to encompass other people’s views in attainment of that particular goal. Strategies are only effective if committed people infuse them with their energy directed at achieving the stipulated goals. On the other hand, it can be noted that planning could not learn or think but only limited to the widely held belief of doing things within an organisation. He posits that strategic planning should have been termed strategic programming rather where it would be promoted as a process to formalise the strategies that have already been developed. On its own, planning cannot generate strategies. However, planning is important in that it promotes coordination and also ensures that everyone in the organisation pulls in the same direction. It can be used to gain moral support from outsiders who are more influential to the organisation. In this scenario, it can be noted that as human beings, we are inclined to formalise our behaviour in most instances but careful consideration has to be taken when it comes to strategy making process. Strategy making is often a complex activity which requires creativity in the process. The extent to which we are guided by formalisation sometimes make us stop thinking beyond what is regarded as the norm. When it comes to strategic making process, intuitive thinking ought to play a pivotal role in informing and shaping of the organisational vision. This can be possible through the use of effective thinking which is not only subjected to the principles stipulated to be followed. A close analysis of the given article shows that it is concerned with highlighting some of the shortfalls of strategic planning that can impede the process of strategic decision making process which ought to be guided by

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Global Warming a Hotly Debated Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Global Warming a Hotly Debated Topic - Essay Example His greatest criticism focuses on the Stern report, upon which many other global warming proponents have based their claims. He begins by pointing out Stern’s lack of acknowledgement regarding the various scientific studies that refute that global warming is happening, as a responsible scientific research study should do, and then moves on to attack other aspects of Stern’s scientific method. â€Å"He is guilty of misreading the data, of distorting the evidence to suit his political masters’ dogma, of throwing numbers about with reckless abandon, of promoting alarmism in place of rational discussion, and of reinventing climate history.† Refuting Stern’s climatic claims, Lindzen offers verifiable dates regarding scientific inventions that facilitated accurate record keeping, but offers no sources to back up his other statements regarding evidence of a warmer Middle Ages or a colder 17th century, an expanding Greenland or the reasons behind increases in polar bear numbers. In his criticism, he accuses Stern and others of having a hidden agenda, centered on providing more power and money to those in positions of leadership, making the Stern report little more than political rhetoric. Although his stated purpose is to open up the global debate to explore other possible causes of global warming, he offers merely an attack on the Stern report, backed by a hypocritical lack of outside sources or acknowledgement of dissension in the ranks of supporters. The newspaper article was initiated in support of an upcoming network television special in which the Global Warming issue was to be examined in terms of its invalidity or at least lack of full investigation and hard evidence.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizations - Essay Example The actions carried out by the organization are aimed towards preventative measures and strengthening the healthcare systems. The program is has an aggressive approach in fighting the current prevalent diseases in Africa which would be considered an emergency in developed countries. To be more specific, one of the main causes of death in Africa is HIV/AIDS. Approximately 68% of the entire AIDS infected population in the world resides in Sub Saharan Africa. However, only 10% of these individuals are offered the appropriate access to anti-retroviral drugs. The African community also has a problem of drug resistant strains of TB. The main killer of African children is Malaria, whist approximately 5Â  000 children are living with diarrhea at any given time. African women are also at a risk of 1:16 of dying during their pregnancy. Comparing these figures with developed countries shows the urgency of the matter and will help illustrate the approaches taken by AMREF in addressing these pro blems. The organization has started awareness campaigns and free testing facilities in an attempt to prevent new infections of HIV and reducing the progression of the disease in individuals who are already infected. Awareness campaigns have also been created among HIV patients about tuberculosis as early intervention prevents further spread. Specifically, the organization educates the community about the main symptoms, stages of the disease and diagnostic procedures. To reduce the occurrence of malaria the organization has donated mosquito nets and repellents and also educated people on the symptoms and signs of malaria. In an attempt to reduce the number of deaths due to delivery and complicated pregnancies, the organization has improved the education on maternal health. To prevent the spread of water borne diseases the organization has improved the level of education on water safety and sanitation. The above mentioned approaches may appear as non emergency actions; however, one mu st consider that the organization is based in a developing country. Education is the first step in improving health and preventing certain diseases and this aspect of healthcare is not fully developed in these countries. Therefore, the emergency approach would be too increase people’s knowledge as treatment provision alone is insufficient in alleviated the above mentioned health issues. As mentioned above, the organization is located in Africa and currently has establishments in 30 countries. These offices have several different functions which include technical support, laboratories, on- ground projects and training. The organization also has supporting offices in Europe and North America whose main function is to provide financial support for the African branches. As illustrated above, the main functions of the organization are educating purposes and targeted at developing countries. Therefore, in a usual emergency crisis the organization will not intervene. If the situatio n was serious and required the involvement of many healthcare organizations AMREF would be influential in spreading the message across the country. However, other modes of intervention in the United States would also be inhibited by the fact that the organiza

British Construction and Property Industries Assignment

British Construction and Property Industries - Assignment Example The property industry is a vital component of a successful economy, and an important route by which a Government can achieve the delivery of many of its cherished policies such as: entrepreneurial success, urban regeneration, social inclusion, environmental improvement and savings and pensions reform. This paper discusses the economic organisation of the British construction and property industries and the government macro economic policy. British construction and property industries are is being faced with demands to make rapid changes due to changes in procurement strategies, government-led reform initiatives and heightened fields of international competition. These changes are aimed at helping tackle any problems arising from the reforms and to forecast the levels of project success, while attempting to solve problems related to predominance of personal capitalism which imply weak organisational capabilities. The concept of mutual objectives demand that each team thinks while focusing on the immediate objectives, through the process, to the end objectives. Improved efficiency can for example be thought of in terms of cooperation, fast construction can be achieved by avoiding hold ups, critical path programs must be ensured for timely completions, while shared risks are sensibly agreed on. Cost reduction measures include continuous improvement strategies and reasonable profits are achieved through sound forecast and progress prediction. To minimize legal costs, the parties must implement sound dispute resolution procedures and a sense of good public relations can be achieved by being proactive. A prior agreement on the sharing of profits must be in place to facilitate any related procedures. Quality assurance and total quality management offer ways of ensuring a reliable product quality, which is enhanced by the reliable flow of design information and any related cooperation. The basic idea in improving the construction industry is implied therefore as offering tendering on the basis of scrutinized long term affiliations based on clear measurement of prior performance-"benchmarking and quantified measures" and sustained quality and efficiency improvements. 1 A Task Force headed by Sir Egan believes that the way forward to achieving the ambition of a modern construction industry lies in commitment. They believe that: "Commitment from major clients to fulfil their responsibility to lead the implementation of our agenda for dramatically improving the efficiency and quality of construction Commitment from the construction industry to work with major clients to deliver the significant performance improvements that are possible, and offer these to the occasional and inexperienced clients Commitment from Government to create and sustain

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Strategic objectives for a business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategic objectives for a business - Essay Example Its mission is offering excellent hair services and beauty products, to its customers. Its values include respect, leadership, integrity, diversity, and accountability. The paper will look at the business objectives in relation to the four pillars of balanced scorecard including the financial pillar, customer pillar, internal operations pillar, and employees’ pillar. One of the key objectives as far as the financial pillar is concerned is coming up with an effective internal control environment. Such an environment would prevent financial crimes such as fraud or embezzlement of the business’ financial resources. The second key objective is ensuring stability in revenue and profitability. This is important as far as growing the shareholder wealth. For example, ensuring profitability stability contributes to the stability of the shares’ prices, which is in the best interest of the shareholders. The third key strategic objective is maximizing the shareholder wealth. This would happen, for example, by a business operating at optimum level would maximize the shareholder wealth. One of the key strategic objectives as far as customer pillar is concerned is enhancing customer satisfaction. Since the business is offering both services and products, customer satisfaction is extremely important. It helps in ensuring that the customers make repeat visits in the business, which helps in growing the market share. A key metric for this objective is the number of absenteeism within a given period. The second key strategic objective is offering high quality services and products to the customers. The customers expect value for money when they purchase the beauty products (Chia-Chen, 2006). The hair services should be excellent, which would translate into increased customer satisfaction. An effective metric for this objective is the number of repeat customers per a given period. The third strategic

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Nutrition Education Intervention Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nutrition Education Intervention - Assignment Example Only 58.9% had normal weight. The target audience include children and their parents because they both play a significant role in poor eating habits. Children are careless of their eating habits whereas parents fail to successfully discharge their parenting duties. Needs assessment will be carried out by use of questionnaires. The behavioural and/or cognitive changes targeted include children’s eating lifestyles, awareness about healthy eating habits and participation in physical exercises/activities. In order to attract attention of the target audience, fascinating videos and pictures will be incorporated in messages communicated through social media, specifically instagram. A special application supported by android/smart phones will be developed for this purpose. Such development stems from the increased ownership and usage of mobile phones. Promotions on televisions will also be pursued. Al Junaidi, A., Abdulle, A., Hag-Ali, M., and Nagelkerke, N. (2013). The Prevalence and potential determinants of obesity among school children and adolescents in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Obesity, 37, 68-

Friday, August 23, 2019

Discuss the extent to which an understanding of marketing would be of Essay

Discuss the extent to which an understanding of marketing would be of use to organisations other than businesses - Essay Example In as much as distribution plays a significant role in ensuring that marketing is successful, the event of developing and effecting a promotional strategy is normally worthwhile as it ensures that organizations realize the objectives that they laid out when introducing the product or service of interest (Cohen 2012, pg. 36). Over and above, marketing plays a decisive role in making sure that organizations remain relevant in the market for a considerable duration. As a matter of fact, global brands such as Apple, Samsung and Coca-Cola take marketing very seriously and customarily allocate a substantial portion of their budget to handle marketing issues. This essay aims to provide more insight into the aspect of marketing, putting special emphasis on understanding the nature of marketing as well as the role that it plays in any organization. Similarly, the essay analyzes how marketing operates within a business and outlines the steps that an organization can embrace in order to influen ce the judgments of a number of customers. The nature of marketing is such that customer focus is central, and activities habitually revolve around the customer. The primary aim of those who are involved in marketing is to ascertain that the needs and desires of the buyer are met. To this effect therefore, marketers can be forced to raise the cost of going about the marketing exercise, just to certify that the goals and ideas of the organization are realized (Evans 2009, pg. 80). Marketing can hence be regarded as harbouring a dual objective as it ensures that the customer is satisfied and the organization registers positive returns. The fact that marketing certifies that the standard of life within the society is maintained portrays it as a social process. This because it takes into consideration the changing needs and wants of the community, puts in place an effective provision and payment

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Is the War on Terrorism a War Essay Example for Free

Is the War on Terrorism a War Essay The Global War on Terrorism is a military campaign that began shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001. First used by George W. Bush, the phrase ‘war on terror’ has become to be conceptualized as a term used to signify ‘global military, political, lawful, and conceptual struggle targeting both organizations designated as terrorists and regimes accused of supporting them. † The war on terror main focus has been with Islamist militants and Al-Qaeda. The war in Afghanistan and Iraq are both considered to be part of the war on terrorism. There is much speculation on whether the war on terror is actually a war. This essay will argue that both points of view are valid. There are reasons which validate the war on terrorism as being considered an actual war such as the fact that an actual decelaration of war was waged by both the US and Al-Qaeda, it can be considered a new way of war, and that ultimately like war, terrorism is a mean to a political end. On the other side of the spectrum, it may not be considered a war because it does not have a clear end or possible victory, it does not have a confined battle space as regular wars, and it is a ‘war’ against an immaterial concept such as the wars on poverty, drugs, and crime. There is an extensive amount of literature on the subject of terrorism and especially the war on terror. Mia Bloom in ‘Dying to Kill: The Allure of Suicide Terror’ examines the use strategies, successes, and failures of suicide bombing in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. She claims that in many instances the effort of Israel, Russia, and the United States have failed to deter terrorism and suicide bombings. Bloom also contemplates how terrorist groups learn from one another, and thus how they react and retaliate to counterterror tactics the financing of terrorism, and the role of suicide attacks against the backdrop of larger ethnic and political conflicts. Another current scholar writing on terrorism is Mark Juergensmeyer. Juergensmeyer studies religious terrorism more specifically. Bruce Hoffman gives a brilliant insight to terrorism and all its aspects. Hoffman describes its historical evolution and the mindset of the terrorist. He examines this invisible enemy and his tactics and motivation in a globalized world. Hoffman argues that the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers radically altered the USA’s and the Wests view on terrorism. When attempting to answer the above question it is important to clarify and define the terms. Terrorism has a vast number of definitions and varies greatly depending on who is trying to define it and from what perspective it is being defined and at which scope. For example one definition of terrorism is the FBI’s definition of it as ‘the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in further political or social objectives’. Another definition is from the Department of Defense which states it to be as ‘the calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological objectives. A final example of one of the many definitions of terrorism is that of the Department of homeland Security which states it as ‘any activity that involves an act that is dangerous to human life or potentially destructive of critic infrastructure or key resources; and†¦must also appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping. ’ These definitions vary quite greatly from one to another. Any definition of terrorism suits a particular agency and how they look at the act of violence, whereas very few look at the causes for it and what its essence is. Notice the selected vocabulary for each definition will suit the type of agency’s profile. The problem with defining terrorism is one that it is a subjective thing, and two that the parties trying to define it try to include everything and nothing in it. They try to put and various different events that happened and situations as well to help define it so as to make sure that terrorism encompasses a large number of things. For example the discotheque bombing of Bali. It seems that the definitions need to include anything that attacks the west. With regards to the war on terror, is it the war on terror or terrorism? Is there really a war on terrorism and if so according to whom? The USA? Al-Qaeda? And in which theatres and locations are we talking about? The war on terror might be a war on terror in Afghanistan but not in other places. Also the title of the question is quite ambiguous because is terrorism is an act of war, or is war is an act of terrorism? Each one can be unfolded onto the other easily. It is also important to consider who is included in the war on terror, is it all terrorists groups including terrorist groups like the IRA? Or is it just limited to Islamist militant terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda? It is not always clear who are the terrorists and who are the terrorized†¦ â€Å"All politics is a struggle for power, and the ultimate kind of power is violence. † Hoffman writes that terrorism is where politics and violence intersect in the hope of delivering power. And that all terrorism involves a quest for power. Power to do many things such as to dominate, coerce, control but ultimately to ‘effect fundamental political change. Clausewitz’s definition of war was ‘war is the continuation of Politick by other means’. In this context terrorism fits in accordance to his definition as terrorism too can be considered part of war. Terrorism can be considered a tactic or act of war, or war a tactic or act of terrorism. For example the French used torture during the Battle of Algiers, the US uses terror tactics itself such as Abu Ghraib. It is very difficult to separate war from terrorism neatly. Being a terrorist is a stepping-stone to becoming a politician. Thus because of the very ambiguous relationship and line between war and terrorism, terrorism can be considered as a new way, or military tactic of fighting war. Thus anything that tries to counter attack it can also be considered a war. Thus rending the war on terrorism a war. Terrorism is ‘a complex phenomena in which violence is used to obtain political power to readdress grievances ’ In order for one to consider the war on terrorism as an actual war, an actual statement of waging war has had to been made. This is the case with the war on terrorism. Al-Qaeda did declare war on the USA in 1998. The bush administration created the term of the ‘axis of evil’ and the USA did fight a conventional war in Iraq in 2003. The war on terrorism might not be a war in itself but it could be made up and composed by several on going wars such as Chechnya, the government of Sri Lanka versus the Tumult Tigers (which was actually the first country to successfully defeat terrorism), and Mali. There have been clear objectives set out and enemies to defeat. Although this enemy is invisible, and the way of fighting the battles are different (due to the asymmetrical aspect of the war on terror) it does not mean this is not a war. The rules have changed, the battle space as well, the way of thinking of the enemy and war has changed drastically. But it is still war. It is just a new face of war. However, the war on terrorism is hard to define as an actual ‘war’ for several reasons. One, because it seems the US and the West are just policing and engaging in nation building to promote liberal democracy. Hoffman mentions the second factor, which is vastly important in discrediting the war on terrorism as a war stating that ‘unlike traditional wars, the war on terror does not have a clear end’. This is because the victory seems unattainable. Terrorism won’t die along with the terrorist leaders. Not even when the most wanted terrorist has been killed. DCIA Leon E. Panetta stated that I dont think theres any question that when you get the number one terrorist in the world, that were a little safer today than we were when he was alive. But I also dont think we ought to kid ourselves that killing Usama Bin Ladin kills al-Qaida. Al-Qaida still remains a threat, theyre still going to try to attack our country, and I think we have to continue to be vigilant and continue the effort to ultimately defeat these guys. We damaged them, but we still have to defeat them. In order for a war to be a war, shouldn’t it have a clear end? Or at least a possible one? The war on terrorism also is discredited as being an actual war because it does not take place on a clear battle space. The director of public prosecutions, Sir Ken Macdonald quoted London is not a battlefield. Those innocents who were murdered on July 7 2005 were not victims of war. And the men who killed them were not, as in their vanity they claimed on their ludicrous videos, soldiers. They were deluded, narcissistic inadequates. They were criminals. They were fantasists. We need to be very clear about this. On the streets of London, there is no such thing as a war on terror, just as there can be no such thing as a war on drugs He continues by stating that ‘the fight against terrorism on the streets of Britain is not a war. It is the prevention of crime, the enforcement of our laws and the winning of justice for those damaged by their infringement. The war on terror could simply be a war against a ‘thing’ such as the war on poverty, drugs, crime tc†¦ There is no real way to defeat, destroy and rid the planet of such immaterial concepts. The war on terrorism looked under these aspects becomes more difficult to truly accept as a war. It is difficult to answer the question if whether the war on terrorism is an actual war. It appears that there is a struggle between Al-Qaeda fighting secularism, consumerism, and immorality and the US and the We st is fighting against backwardness and against groups of people who reject western values and globalization. Is this what the real war being fought is about? Is this the actual war that is going on? There are both aspects crediting the war on terrorism as a war and others discrediting it. This question however is highly relevant and intertwines to other aspects of IR305 such as the changing nature of war (is the war on terror the new type of war? ), the different types of warfare (is the war on terror the new western way of warfare and terrorism the Arab way of warfare? ), and the topic of risk societies (are we breeding more terrorism by fighting the war on terror, thus creating more risk). All of these various aspects of IR305 are relevant to the topic of the war on terrorism.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Critique of a research paper Essay Example for Free

Critique of a research paper Essay Issues that are to be studied during a research are usually expressed in a statement referred to as a research problem or research question (Lawn et al 2010). The researcher needs to have enough knowledge concerning the field in which he or she wants to contact a research in order for him or her to be able to come up with a research problem which is strong enough to be studied (Manzoni et al 2009; Partridge Dickey, 2009). The researcher is supposed to come up with ideas which have not yet been researched on or which needs further development for him or her to be able to come up with a researchable topic. In most cases the research question or problem helps the public to have better insights in the studied field and even fills some knowledge gaps that may be existing in that field. Thus researchers are supposed to do thorough research to know what has already been researched on for them to be in a better position to make some improvement on the knowledge that exists. The problem to be studied should be significant to the general public and the professionals in the field of study. According to this study the research problem was: the impact of poor essential newborn care practices on neonatal mortality in rural Karnataka. This research problem is relevant in any medical profession since it addresses an important issue, which affects many healthcare systems in the world (Lawn et al 2010). As outlined in the paper many neonatal deaths occurs yearly resulting from careless or lack of knowledge on how to take care of these neonatal. Even though the authors point out that some research has been performed on this research topic, they point out the need to understand the local settings of concerned regions for better interventions to be undertaken since child birth is often tightly linked to traditions of concerned communities especially in the developing countries like India. Thus their research problem is still relevant given that no research has been done in such settings. Research design The case study research has employed both qualitative and quantitative research design. In qualitative research designs, answers are given to experiences related to humans (Kain, Gardner Yates, 2009). Concepts like grounded theory, ethnography, case studies and phenomenology are covered in qualitative research designs (Manzoni et al 2009). This study used interviews to collect data. The interviews were recorded in text form which is a characteristic of qualitative research. Thus the research qualifies to be described as qualitative. The concepts covered in the study were ethnography and grounded theory. This is because in the paper, the researchers consider different ethnic groups found in rural Karnataka. Furthermore, the participants were interviewed on various cares they offer to neonatal after birth hence this cover the grounded theory concept since giving care is a social responsibility. Therefore the researchers were trying to answer the question on how different birth attendants carry out their services to newborns in rural Karnataka. Quantitative research involves collection of data in numerical form. The authors claim to have used this design to obtain preliminary data for carrying out qualitative research. Even though the authors state that they used quantitative research design it is not clearly stated the data collected since the paper only talks of administration of questionnaires of which we are not told the kind of information that was to be collected. Justification of use of both qualitative and quantitative research designs From the authors’ point of view, the use of quantitative design was aimed at providing evidence for need to carry out the qualitative research (Lawn et al 2010). It is also pointed out that the quantitative research confirmed earlier research on the same issue on neonatal mortality. Thus it seems the quantitative research was done to also confirm earlier studies on mortality related to newborn. On the other hand, the use of qualitative design is justified. This is because; obtaining data such as on breastfeeding, place of delivery, delivery hygiene, cord cutting, cord care, asphyxia and thermal care can only be done using qualitative methodology. Recruitment of study participants Recruitment of participants was based on pregnancy. All those who were pregnant and those who became pregnant during study period were allowed to voluntarily participate in the study. The study employed proactive research design for sampling purposes. This was used to prevent recall biases, which are common in retrospective research designs. Data collection Interviews, focused group discussions and questionnaires were used to collect data from eleven villages within rural Karnataka (Kain, Gardner Yates, 2009). The method used to choose these villages is not stated in the paper and thus we do not know whether it was done using statistical methods or not. Interviews which were done were semi structured (Partridge Dickey, 2009). They were thirty nine in total with thirteen targeting mothers who had delivered recently, ten targeting grandmothers, nine targeting birth attendants and seven targeting informants. The interviews to mothers lacked specificity in time frame especially to mothers who had delivered and therefore could have been prone to errors. In addition the authors do not outline on how they come with the different numbers that they administered the interviews to. Thus, the numbers may not be statistically significant. The five different questionnaires were administered to pregnant mothers at different times. Three of the questionnaires were administered prior to parturition, one was administered within five days after delivery and the last questionnaire was administered during postnatal period. It is not clear on how those involved in the delivery of the questionnaires knew when the mothers had given birth to administer them on time. In addition, the significance of the number of questionnaires administered is not justified statistically. Eight focused group discussions were undertaken in the study. Of these, three were among groups of mothers, two were among elders and one was carried out among birth attendants. The group discussions may have been exaggerated by some participants and therefore some of this data may be unreliable to some extent. Furthermore the choice of the number of discussion and the number of participants in the group discussion is not explained hence may be statistically insignificant (Jatana et al 2010). Data analysis From the paper, the authors state that they carried out framework in the analysis of their data. This is a type of data analysis is majorly used in the analysis of qualitative data. The versatility of the method allows it to be used in different qualitative data analysis. This method allows organization of data into structured transcripts. Credibility, auditability and fittingness The truths about the findings as judged by participants constitute the credibility of the study (Lawn et al 2010). This study is credible to some extent given that the source of data used to make the conclusion is not one, that is, pregnant mothers, birth attendants and grandmothers are utilized to get credible data (Kain, Gardner Yates, 2009). However, the choice of the numbers of those involved in interviews, group discussions and the number of questionnaires administered raises credibility issues on the research. Thus, clarity is required pertaining these issues in related studies. If the information presented in the report is accountable then the research is auditable. The coherent of the report determines the auditability of the research paper. The authors of this paper tried their best to remain focused on the problem issue. Thus the paper is auditable. If the participants are faithful then the paper is fitting. From the excerpts from the interviews presented in the paper, the participants seem to be real in relation to daily realities. Thus, the paper is fitting. References Lawn, J. , Mwansa-Kambafwile, J. , Horta, B. , Barros F. Cousens, S. (2010). ‘Kangaroo mother care’ to prevent neonatal deaths due to preterm birth complications. International Journal of Epidemiology, 39(Suppl_1): i144-i154. Kain, V. , Gardner, G. Yates, P. (2009). Neonatal palliative care attitude scale: Development of an instrument to measure the barriers to and facilitators of palliative care in neonatal nursing. Pediatrics, 123(2): e207-e213 Jatana, K. , Oplatek, A. , Stein, M. , Philips, G. , Kang, R. Elmaraghy, C. (2010). Effects of nasal continuous positive airway pressure and cannula use in the neonatal intensive care unit setting. Archives of Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery, 136(3): 287-291.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Observational and Motor Learning Development

Observational and Motor Learning Development Human development is astonishing from embryo, to infant, to kid, and so on till the fullu grown-up person. There are a number of things that kids require to learn and developmental objectives that require to be achieved. The rationale of this paper is to examine learning of motor-skill in a three to four year old child, its connection with observational learning, and strategy to assist a three to four year old child with delayed fine motor skills. Consecutively to completely recognize the issue an examination of milestones of fine motor skills is needed. Milestones of Fine Motor Skills Infants and kids as they develop build up 2 kinds of motor skills: fine and gross. The fine motor skills are individual’s skills that entail movements of small scale e.g. holding a toy(David Grissmer). Gross motor skills are perceived as individual’s skills that engage movements of large scale e.g. the moving of the limbs up and down (David Grissmer). The described ages in this case are three and four years. Three year old Kids must have the capability to: wear their own shoes, solve easy riddles, play with another kid in an activity group (David Grissmer). Four year old Kids must have the capability to: dress by themselves, exhibit a hand preference, emulate a square, open and close buttons of dresses, and consoles buddies in misery (David Grissmer). Kids are supposed to incident milestones of developmental in addition. Milestones of Child Development Children Developmental milestones attain more than merely the range at which they control objects (fine /gross motor skills). Kids attain milestones during learning, playing, speaking, behaving, and moving â€Å"(CHATS , R. (N.D.) ). Once more the spotlight for milestones of developmental will be three and four year’s old kids. A three year old in expressions of milestones of emotional and social must obtain rolls in games, recognize the notion of theirs, and might get disturb with foremost regular changes (CHATS , R. (N.D.). ). Communication and Language engages recognizing and naming the majority of things, being able to recognize and names of friends, and being able to converse with them (CHATS , R. (N.D.). ). In expressions of cognitive movement: can runs easily, playing with toys that have buttons, levers etc, being able to turn pages of book, , and walking up and down on stairs (CHATS , R. (N.D.). ). A four year old in expressions of emotional and social milestones must collaborate with other kids, and recognize the distinction amid imagination and reality (CHATS , R. (N.D.). ). Communication and Language engages speaking their first and last name, telling stories, and (CHATS , R. (N.D.). ). In expressions of cognitive and movement: names some colors together with a few numbers, uses scissors, initiates to recognize time, and being able to catch a thrown ball the majority the time (CHATS , R. (N.D.). ). Piaget and Fine Motor Skills The brain is a vital component of the fine motor skills process of learning. There are 4 segments of the brain that add to this process of learning: premotor cortex, supplementary motor cortex, dorsolateral frontal cortex, and posterior parietal cortex. The premotor cortex is connected with perceptual motor integration by recognizing spatial target discovering a new relationship amid environmental and selfish space (DP,Butters,N.(1995)). The dorsolateral frontal cortex is connected with the strategic course by choosing the objective for the movement and the majority suitable surroundings for that movement (DP,Butters,N.(1995)). The supplementary motor cortex is connected with succession: arranges spatial targets in the accurate sequence and replicates the succession with the similar movement (DP,Butters,N.(1995)). Finally, is the spinal interneuron connected with active which interprets targets og egocentric spatial into patterns of muscle and creates novel relationships amid the target and the patterns of muscle (DP,Butters,N.(1995)). An additional means that fine motor skills can be learned is through the theory of social learning or art of imitating. Theory of Social learning is deemed learning by observation since the viewer habitually a kid is observing a further child, an adolescent, or also an adult. The actions that are exhibited by the observed person have the prospective to be imitated by the observer if and merely if definite criterion is in place. The criterion is concentration, maintenance, imitation, and motivation (Patricia H. Miller). Consequences as well bear burden in this area of learning by observation. The observer will simply replicate the behavior studied if the advantages of that actions overshadow a likely outcomes or reprimands that are connected with that actions (Patricia H. Miller). In expressions of studying fine motor skills a kid who can recognize the series of theory of social learning can automatically start to imitate those about them. The period of the copying behavior is difficult to determine. A kid that observes their parent using a mobile phone will imitate that behavior. The similar goes for eating and dressing. As magnificent as developing of fine motor skills are, there are a few kids who are delayed in incidence this particular time. Strategies for Delay in fine Motor Skill Kids whose development of Motor Skill is delayed there are more than a few diverse strategies that can be utilized consecutively to fix this predicament. Primarily generate daily activities that need the kid to use handheld toys and things (CDC,). Next, make use of songs with finger play to build up fine motor skills (). Thirdly, let the kid to seize and sense objects (CDC). Squeezing objects would be in actuality be helpful. Fourth, provide the kid manipulatives to play for instance blocks or clay (CDC). Conclusion Milestones are extremely significant to welfare and efficient growth on the course to adulthood. Fine motor skills are incorporated in that listing of milestones development. For instance when kid is able to pick up a ball and throw it to others. There are as well additional milestones to be taken into deliberation for instance developmental for kids. Social learning prepared its access with the association of fine motor skills learning with observational learning. The kid merely requires being continued drawn by the actions of the person by observation and then impersonating the behavior observed. There are instances when the milestones are not being able to attain and as a result a delay of motor skills is created. The key spotlight for the person is to use fine motor skills to complete definite actions for instance using manipulative. References Chats , R. (n.d.). Developmental milestones. Retrieved from http://www.childhealth- CDC: Developmental Screening, â€Å"Facts About Developmental Disabilities,† Important Milestones. David Grissmer, et al. Fine Motor Skills And Early Comprehension Of The World: Two New School Readiness Indicators. Developmental Psychology 46.5 (2010): 1008-1017. PsycARTICLES. Miller, Patricia H. (2011). Theories of developmental psychology. New York: Worth Publishers. Salmon DP, Butters, N. (1995). Neurobiology of skill and habit learning Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 5, 18

Bias In Printmedia :: essays research papers

Print media provides its readers with information, but what the reader very often does not recognize is the bias within the articles. Bias is not so easily recognized. Writers have the gift to blend the bias in with their work. It is so well done, that in order to see the bias, one must thoroughly analyze the article. A person must also know what the types of bias are and how they are used. There are many different types of bias that are used in health related articles such as statistics and crowd counts, word choice and tone, and through omission. Print media demonstrates these types of bias in many articles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One method of bias being used is print media is through statistics and crowd counts. A writer can manipulate the reader into thinking that the results are very high or very low in some cases. In The Toronto Star on October 23, 1999, the article â€Å" Pregnancy biggest threat to women, V.N. says† uses statistics to give an estimation, â€Å" an estimated 585,000 women do every year†. This article explains how pregnancy affects many women. By using this statistic, it gives the reader an approximation, but not an exact number. This is used to make the reader think that the statistic is very high. Another article in The Toronto Star, â€Å"Tamil health crisis probed†, on October 29, 1999,demostrates bias by saying, â€Å" At least 70,000 people†. The article is talking about the Tamil community and how 70,000 people have been affected, but it does not give the amount of people in that community. This type of bias is often used in print med ia to make an article more important than it is.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bias through word choice and tone is often used in print media sources. By choosing specific words, the writer can easily influence the reader’s opinion about the article. Certain words give the reader a different meaning. In an article, â€Å"Health care to receive $3.8 billion injection†, in The Toronto Star, on October 22, 1999, the Governor, Hilary Weston, is reading a passage from a â€Å"throne speech† given by the government to introduce a Patient’s Bill of Rights. By using the word, throne, the writer suggests that the speech given is very important. During this speech, there is a â€Å"caucus chuckle† from a Liberal at the meeting. The writer uses caucus to indicate that it is more than a normal chuckle during an important speech.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Martial Arts :: essays research papers

Martial Arts To follow is my report on martial arts in Asia. This a very interesting subject, and a very good report. It will describe martial arts and some types of martial arts. It will also say where they originated from. The term "martial arts" is a general term used to describe general types of fighting. Most martial arts practised today came from China, Japan, and Korea. There are hundreds of types of martial arts, each divided into specific styles or systems. Technically, martial arts fall into two categories: percussive, and non-percussive. In percussive martial arts such as Karate, Tae Kwon Do, and Kung-Fu, people strike with their hands, feed, elbows, and head. This type of martial arts is very aggressive. On the other hand, in non-percussive martial arts, such as Judo, involve throwing, locking, and neutralising the opponent. They are far less aggressive. Kung-Fu is an interesting type of martial art, the origins of which are unknown. Some historians believe it started as early as 1500 BC There are two major types of Japanese martial arts. They are Bujitsu, and Budo. The bujitsu martial art is a relatively new one. It emphasises combat and willingness to face death as a matter of honour. Budo, which was started during the late 1800's, focuses on developing moral and aesthetic developments. Karate-do and Judo are forms of Budo. People who learn budo learn it to use it only as a last resort. Another martial art that developed in Japan is ninjitsu, which means "the art of stealing in!" People who practice ninjitsu are called ninjas. Ninjitsu was developed in the late 1200's.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. :: essays research papers

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a very important leader of the American Civil Rights movement as well as a Nobel Prize winner. He proved that Civil Disobedience was an effective weapon against depression. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950’s and 1960’s helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of Civil Rights in the United States.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dr. King was born into the American Civil Rights movement in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929. His grandfather was the founder of the Atlanta Chapters of the NAACP, and his father was the Pastor of the Eboniza Baptist Church where he worked as a Civil Rights Leader. Dr. King attended Morehouse College and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. Dr. King married Coretta Scott King in 1953. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a PHD in Divinity in 1955. After graduating from Boston University, Dr. King became the Pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama where he began the activities that would make him an American Civil Rights Leader.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In many states, African Americans were denied voting rights and access to schools, buses, and other public facilities that were segregated. They were also denied accommodations in hotels that were for whites only. Discrimination was openly practiced and in some places sanctioned by law. Dr. King’s goal was to protest segregation until it was declared unconstitutional. In 1955 Rosa Parks was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a white passenger. When she refused, she was arrested and taken to jail. King started the Boycott of the Montgomery Bus System. In 1956 the Supreme Court declared Segregation Laws unconstitutional which ended Bus Segregation. King learned Civil Disobedience from Gandhi and proved that peaceful non-violent protests, such as marches, boycotts, and sit-ins, were an effective weapon against depression. In 1957 Dr. King and other ministers formed the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) which fought for the Civil Right s of all Americans. In 1959 King returned to Atlanta, Georgia, the headquarters of the SCLC, to assist his dad and work for Civil Rights. In August of 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King gave his â€Å"I Have A Dream† speech during the March on Washington. Later in the spring of 1963 President JFK introduced the Civil Rights Act (the single most important piece of Civil Rights Legislature) which was passed by President Johnson.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Women Rag Pickers of Mumbai

As the term ‘rag-picker’ sounds very low so does their job. My study includes several visits to the Govandi Dumping Ground, Mumbai, interviewing the women rag-pickers working there, visiting their slums, meeting with the social workers of Street Mukti Sangathan, studying the problems faced by these women and also keeping a track of their progress. I used personal interviewing of women rag pickers, their boss (the person to whom they sold their collected rags), the social workers, who had devoted their entire time working for them and some printed facts, as my research and analytical methodology. I interviewed 20 women rag pickers, from a diverse age group and varied religions. The following are the main outcomes of my study. Starting with the history of the plights of the women rag pickers, these women came to Mumbai due to droughts in their villages or they were married to men residing in Mumbai. What started of as additional income for the family eventually became the only source of income because 90 % of men stopped working or got into alcohol consumption or left their wives for other younger women. Their day started from as early as 5 am in the morning and went on until it was evening. Their breakfast and lunch were light, comprising of tea and bread or roti and onion, so as to enable them to work efficiently through out the day without feeling sleepy. Infant girls, aged 10 to 15 and older women aged 50 to 65, earned less in comparison to the younger women, due to their higher efficiency levels to work for longer hours. They earned on daily basis and the money depended on the weight of the rag collected by them. So the day they fell ill or couldn’t collect a good amount of scrap meant a day without food. Even their bosses exploited them to the core, by paying them very nominal prices for the scraps that they collected, their bosses in turn earned much more by selling it to companies who recycled these scraps. The government never played any role in their lives. The slum where they resided was rite next to the dumping yard, making it almost impossible for me to breath due to the abundance of flies and stinky smell. Even though majority of the city’s waste was dumped here, no precautionary measures were taken by the govt. to ensure that people residing near by were safe. A lot of rag pickers and their family members were hurt due to the sudden blast that happened when two poisonous particles came into contact with each other. The waste was just dumped as it was; they were not bifurcated on the terms of harmful and unharmful particles. Around 15 people had lost their lives over the years, due to this ignorance of the Govt. Even the middle men who employed these rag pickers didn’t care for their safety. I was horrified to see them collect waste with bare hands and with uncovered mouth. Severely wounded hands, lack of affordable medical facility, unhygienic environment, acute back problems, where just the physical pains they suffered. The mental pressure to progress, the tension of repaying the loans that they took from their bosses on high interest at the times of diseases or marriage, the feeling of being helpless and vulnerable all the time were more killing than the physical pains they suffered. The worse part that I discovered during my study was that, even their children remained uneducated and joined their mothers to support their families. Their lives were surrounded by such dark shadows that even a ray of better future seemed unimaginable. It was in these dark times that Stree Mukti Sangathan came to their rescue. They formed a group of women rag pickers and helped them open a bank account, convincing them to save a small amount of their earnings every month to avoid taking high interest loans at difficult times. By organizing them into a group, the Sangathan saw to it that these women were no longer exploited and worked under much safer conditions. The social workers opened primary schools for the children of the rag pickers and also provided them with proper medical facilities at affordable rates. The rag pickers finally marched towards their independence from the vicious dominance of its exploiters. Once the Sangathan had a decent number of rag picker women members, it then trained them and their children to paint, make hand bags, stitch fancy kurtis, crafting, wall hangings, etc. he ones with higher potential to learn and adapt were taught to produce bio – gas from waste materials and they now work at work stations where machines are operated on bio-gas. After investing 2 decades for the upliftment of these women rag pickers, Sangathan’s effort finally showed drastically positive result; in the form of some of women rag pickers now working as social workers in the Sangathan and helping the other women rag pickers to earn a better living, some have acquired professional education and now work as nurses, teachers, etc. Although the situation hasn’t changed for all the women rag pickers in Mumbai and vulnerability and sufferings still prevails in their lives; it was quiet a relief to learn that a number of women rag pickers whom I interviewed were now proud mothers of engineer sons, owned houses and were spending a decent living. The once very vulnerable and invisible group of my society now has a solid foundation. They conduct annual exhibitions of their hand made products all over India. It wasn’t surprising to learn that the women behind this Sangathan and social revolution of these rag pickers, Ms. Jyoti Mhapsekar was the first Indian Women who won an award at the Clinton Global Initiatives for her committed work towards women and environment. This project was chosen as the best project of that year in my college.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Fencing Problem

A farmer has exactly 1000 metres of fencing; with it she wishes to fence off a plot of land. She is not concerned about the shape of the plot, but it must have a perimeter of 1000m. So it could be or anything else with a perimeter (or circumference) of 1000m What she does wish to do is fence off the plot of land which contains the maximum area. Investigate the shape, or shapes of the plot of land which have a maximum area. Throughout this investigation I will check that the perimeter is 1000 meters by finding the total of all the outer sides. Also I will use refining as a way of finding the maximum area. When I talk about using the maximum area of the previous table the maximum area of each table will be highlighted. Rectangles The first shape I will test will be a rectangle. Having been told that the perimeter must be 1000 meters I will find the areas of three rectangles, each with different lengths of sides, making sure that the perimeter is kept the same. To calculate the area I will use the formula LENGTH x WIDTH = AREA or Area = lw. Rectangle A: l = 450m w = 10m Area = 450 x 10 Area = 4500m2 Rectangle B: l = 300m w = 200m Area = 300 x 200 Area = 60000m2 Rectangle C: l = 100m w = 400m Area = 100 x 400 Area = 40000m2 Having carried out the above calculations I will create a spreadsheet with formulae to carry out more calculations. The headings will consist of Length, Width, Perimeter and Area. Under length there will be a variable number (less than 500 and greater than 0). The first formula will be put under the width heading. The width will be calculated by taking the length away from 500. This will guarantee the perimeter to be 1000m. The formula will be =500-B2 where B2 is the cell in which the length is. To double check that the perimeter is 1000m under the perimeter heading there will be another formula. This will be =(B2+C2)*2 where B2 is the length and C2 is the perimeter. It will be multiplied by 2 because the answer in the brackets would be just the total of two sides and not all four. Finally under the area heading there will be a formula. This will be =B2*C2 where B2 is the length and C2 is the width. This formula is the same as the one used previously to calculate the area of a rectangle. The formulas and headings will be entered in as shown in the table below. Length (m) Width (m) Perimeter (m) Area (square m) 490 =500-B2 =(B2+C2)*2 =B2*C2 Having entered the correct information I will be able to calculate the areas of many different sizes of rectangles with a perimeter of 1000m. I can do this in Microsoft Excel by dragging the formula boxes down, thus duplicating them but allowing them to refer to different lengths. (Please see tables and graphs [Fencing Problem for Rectangles]) To start with I used my spreadsheet to find the area of a few rectangles within the range of 1m and 499m.I then plotted a graph showing length against area. It showed a perfect curve. I decided that the line of symmetry of this curve would help to find the length that would give me the maximum area. I found the line of symmetry to be along the 250m mark on the x axis of the graph. Hypothesis I predict that the length of a rectangle that will give me the maximum area will be 250m. I have decided this having found the line of symmetry on the graph. Poof (Please see tables and graphs [Fencing Problem for Rectangles]) To prove my hypothesis I refined my search around the maximum area of the first table and then the second table, followed by the third table and so on. Eventually I found that, even to 1 decimal place above or below 250m that, the maximum area was given by rectangle of sides 250m by 250m. This shows that a square gives the maximum area for a rectangle. Isosceles Triangles The second shape that I will test will be an isosceles triangle. Having carried out tests for a rectangle I am going to see whether the maximum area will be bigger, smaller or the same as that of a rectangle. I am also going to find out whether the number of sides affects the results and whether there are any similarities in results to a triangle. This will help me find the shape that gives the maximum area. As previously for rectangles I will test some different sized isosceles triangles that have an area of 1000m. The formula for the area of a triangle is BASE x HEIGHT divided by 2 or bh/2. I cannot find the area without knowing what the height of the triangle is. To find the height of the triangle I must use Pythagoras. This states that for a right-angled triangle a2+b2=c2 or the square hypotenuse is equal to the sum of square of the other two sides. Therefore to find the height I must split the triangle in half and then use half of the base to help me find the height. The square height will therefore be equal to the square of the hypotenuse minus the square of half the base. In the below examples b = base, s = one equal side of the triangle and h = height. Triangle A: b = 500m s = 250m b/2 = 250m h = 2502-2502 h = 0m Area = 250 x 0 / 2 Area = 0m2 Triangle B: b = 400m s = 300m b/2 = 200m h = 3002-1002 h = ?50000m h = 223.6068m Area = 400 x 223.6068 / 2 Area = 44721.35955m2 Triangle C: b = 200m s = 400m b/2 = 100m h = 4002-1002 h = ?150000m h = 387.29833m Area = 200 x 387.29833 / 2 Area = 38729.38466m2 After completing the above tests I will create a spreadsheet with formulae to carry out more calculations. The headings will consist of Base, 1 equal side, Perimeter, Height and Area. Under the base heading there will be a variable number between 1 and 500. The first formula will be used to calculate the length of one equal side of the isosceles triangle. The formula will be =(1000-B2)/2 where B2 is the base. It will be divided by 2 because 1000-B2 would give the sum of the two equal sides together. As previously , for the rectangles, there will be a formula to check that the perimeter is 1000m. This will be the base plus, one equal side multiplied by two or =B2+(C2*2). The main formula in this spreadsheet will be the one used to find the height. In a spreadsheet there are codes that represent calculations carried out. These are put at the front of the formula and the substitute for square root is SQRT. So my formula will be the square root of 1 equal side squared, minus half the base squared. However before entering my formula I found out that using the power sign (^) doesn't give accurate results and in order to square numbers I must multiply the number by itself instead of using such a sign. Therefore the formula entered into the spreadsheet will be =SQRT((C2*C2)-((B2/2)*(B2/2))) Finally under the area heading there will be a formula. This will be =(B2*E2)/2 where B2 is the base and E2 is the height. This formula is the same as the one used previously to calculate the area of a triangle. The formulas and headings will be entered in as shown in the table below. Base (m) 1 Equal Side (m) Perimeter (m) Height (m) Area (square m) 200 =(1000-B2)/2 =B2+(C2*2) =SQRT((C2*C2)-((B2/2)*(B2/2))) =(B2*E2)/2 Having entered the correct information I will be able to calculate the areas of many different sizes of isosceles triangles with a perimeter of 1000m. I can do this in Microsoft Excel by dragging the formula boxes down, thus duplicating them but allowing them to refer to a different base. (Please see tables and graphs [Fencing Problem for Isosceles Triangles}) As before I entered a range bases between 1m and 499m. I then plotted a graph of base against area and found that unlike the results for a rectangle there wasn't a perfect curve in order to find the line of symmetry, to aid my search. However I could tell that the maximum area would be given by a triangle with a base between 300m and 400m Hypothesis I predict that the maximum area will be given by a triangle with equal sides. I have decided this because the maximum area for a rectangle was given by a square and that my graph shows that the base must be between 300m and 400m. For a triangle with equal sides and a perimeter of 1000m the base would be 333.33†¦meters. Poof (Please see tables [Fencing Problem for Isosceles Triangles}) To prove my hypothesis I refined my search around the maximum area of the first table and then the second table, followed by the third table and so on. Eventually I found that, to 2 decimal places, the maximum area was given by a triangle of equal sides which is 333.33m to every side. This shows that an equilateral triangle gives the maximum area for a triangle and this proves my hypothesis right. Regular Polygons Having tested isosceles triangles and rectangles I found that regular sided shapes give the maximum area. I know this because the maximum area of an isosceles triangle is given when the sides are each 333.33m. The maximum area given by a rectangle is give by a square with 250m sides. I have also that as you increase the number of sides the area increases because the maximum area for a rectangle is 62500m2, and the maximum area for an isosceles triangle is 48112.52243m2. As a result of these findings I am going to test regular sided polygons. Having split the pentagon into isosceles triangles and then into right angled triangles I can now find the area. I know that the base of the triangle is 100m however I do not know the height. Before finding the height I must work out what the internal angle is. To find this I will divide 360 by the number of right-angled triangles (in this case 10). I can now tell the following about the triangle: – I can now use Trigonometry to find the height of the triangle. SOH CAH TOA I know what the opposite is and the angle, and I want to know what the adjacent is. I will therefore use the formula TAN=Opposite/Adjacent. Therefore Adjacent=Opposite/TAN. So the height in metres will be: Height = 100/TAN36 Height = 137.638192m Area of 1 Isosceles Triangle = (200*137.638192)/2 Area of 1 Isosceles Triangle = 13763.819205m2 Area of Pentagon = 13763.819205*5 Area of Pentagon = 68819.09602 m2 After completing the above tests I will create a spreadsheet with formulae to carry out more calculations. The headings will consist of Number of Sides, 1 Equal Side, Perimeter, Internal Angle of 1 Triangle, Half Angle, Height (of internal isosceles triangle), Area of 1 Triangle and Total Area. Under the first heading (Number of Sides) there will be a variable, whole, number between 3 and as higher number as desired (e.g. 30). Under the second heading there will be a formula to calculate the length of one equal side. The formula will be =1000/A3 where A3 is the number of sides. As in all the other tests there will be a formula to check that the perimeter is 1000m. This will tell me if I have made an error in any of the previous cells. So far so good, however before I continue I must point out that a computer spreadsheet doesn't work in degrees to measure angles. It measures in radians where a complete rotation is 2?. Also ? is represented by PI() in a spreadsheet. So instead of using 360 in my formula under the Internal Angle of 1 Triangle heading I will use 2*PI()/A3 where A3 is the number of sides. Under the Half Angle heading there will be a formula that will be =D3/2 where D3 is the internal angle of one triangle. This gives the internal angle of 1 right-angled triangle. My main formula will go under the Height heading and it will use Tan which is substituted by TAN in a spreadsheet. It will be =(B3/2)/TAN(E3) where B3 is 1 equal side and E3 is the angle inside a right-angled triangle. The area of one isosceles triangle will be calculated using the formula =(B3*F3)/2 where B3 is one equal side and F3 is the height. Finally the total area will be calculated by multiplying the area of one isosceles triangle by the number of sides. The formula entered will be =G3*A3 where G3 is the area of one triangle and A3 is the number of sides. The formulas and headings will be entered in as shown in the table below. Number 1 Equal Side Perimeter Internal Angle Half Angle Height Area of 1 Triangle Total Area of Sides (m) (m) of 1 Triangle (rad.) (rad.) (m) (square m) (square m) 5 =1000/A3 =B3*A3 =2*PI()/A3 =D3/2 =(B3/2)/TAN(E3) =(B3*F3)/2 =G3*A3 Having entered the correct information I will be able to calculate the areas of many regular polygons with different numbers of sides and with a perimeter of 1000m. I can do this in Microsoft Excel by dragging the formula boxes down, thus duplicating them but allowing them to refer to a different number of sides. Hypothesis I predict that as you increase the number of sides the area increases because the maximum area for a rectangle is 62500m2, and the maximum area for an isosceles triangle is 48112.52243m2. Proof (Please see graph and table [Fencing Problem for Regular Polygons]) Used my spreadsheet to calculate the areas of polygons with sides ranging from 3 to 30. The polygons with 3 and 4 sides were used to test that my formula worked correctly. I plotted a graph showing the number of sides against the area and found that, as predicted, as the number of sides increased so too did the area. Circle After my findings from carrying out tests on regular polygons I have decided to test circle. I have decided this because as the number of sides of a regular polygon increase so too does the area and a circle is an infinitely sided regular polygon. Hypothesis I predict that a circle will give the largest area because of my tests on regular polygons. I also predict that the maximum area given will be pretty close to that of a regular polygon with 30 sides (79286.37045m2) because of the curve on the graph plotted for the regular polygon section. To find the area of a circle I will be required to use the formulae 2?r and ?r2. The circumference must be 1000m and before finding the area I need to find the radius. Radius = (1000/2)/? r = 500/? r = 159.1549431m Area = ?*159.15494312 Area = 79577.47155m2 To complete this in a spreadsheet under the circumference heading I would enter 1000. Under the radius heading I would use the formula =(C2/2)/PI() where C2 is the circumference. Finally under the Area heading I would enter the formula =PI()*(D2*D2) where D2 is the radius. The headings and formulas will be entered as shown in the table below. Number of Sides Circumference (m) Radius (m) Area (square m) Infinite 1000 =(C2/2)/PI() =PI()*(D2*D2) Formula – 2?r (Circumference/2)/? ?r2 Proof Number of Sides Circumference (m) Radius (m) Area (square m) Infinite 1000 159.1549431 79577.47155 The table above clearly proves my hypothesis correct. The working out also proves my hypothesis correct. Conclusion Having completed the spreadsheet table I can conclude that a circle gives the maximum area and that the result was close to that given by a 30 sided regular polygon. A circle provides the maximum area possible for fencing of length 1000m. The maximum area possible is: – 79577.47155m2

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Defender of the Faith/ Philip Roth.

â€Å"l refuse, I can't stop being me, that's all there is to it†. Tears came to his eyes. â€Å"It's a hard thing to be a Jew. But now I understand what Mackey says- it's a harder thing to stay one†. He raised a hand sadly toward me. â€Å"Look at you. † Defender of the Faith/ Philip Roth. The quote above is the part in the Defender of Faith which is a conversation between Crossbars and Marx. Crossbars asks Marx to go out of the army to attend thePassover dinner. Throughout the story we come to understand that Crossbars is taking advantage of the fact that both he and Marx are Jewish for his own benefit. Crossbars tries to â€Å"bond† with Marx on the basis of their common religion, but soon we realize that he uses this common fact to try to get benefits and other privileges. At some point Marx understands that Crossbars is being selfish and is using the religion for his own needs, and gets tired from Crossbar's requests.Crossbars insists that he shouldn' t be treated like everyone else; because he claims that he is better. In addition he throws at Marx accusations saying that he is denting his roots and his family. Crossbars says this only because he is unhappy and doesn't get from Marx what he wants, he calls him a go. â€Å"You even talk like a go. † â€Å"It's a hard thing to be a Jew. But now I understand what Mackey says- It's a harder thing to stay one†.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Ownership and Control Essay

The first business decision that an entrepreneur faces when he is opening his private business is the type of enterprise he/they will create. Basically there are three main forms of business enterprises that can be opened, a sole trader, a partnership and a limited liability company. Such enterprises comprise different legal status and ownership, plus different control measures. In the following paragraphs we will explain such issues of these forms of organizations. A sole trader is the simplest form of business enterprise. It usually consists of one individual who opened a business operation. Sole traders are usually small firms due to the limited amount of capital that is invested by a single owner. The main benefit of a sole trader is that the owner has full control over the assets of the business and all the critical decisions are usually taken solely by him. The main limitation of such a form of business, apart from limited capital is the unlimited liability on the organization’s debts. Partnership arises whenever two or more people invest money in a business to commence trading. A partnership also possesses unlimited liability like a sole trader. However more capital is available since money is invested by more people. In a partnership not all the partners exercise control on the firm especially if it is a limited partnership. In case of companies, which are limited liability due to separate legal entity, give room to shareholders and directors being formed. The shareholders are the owners, which can be a significant number, while the directors are the individuals managing the company which are not necessarily the shareholders particularly in public companies. Companies are frequently formed due to higher availability of finance.

Arbitration of Investment Disputes - A Turkish Perspective Essay

Arbitration of Investment Disputes - A Turkish Perspective - Essay Example The arbitrator can  be a third reliable party between the two opponents. They make a decision outside the court of law and predominantly decisions made by the arbitrator are final and binding. So, arbitration is an â€Å"Alternative Dispute Resolution† technique used by two conflicting parties to resolve their dispute without getting into legal (court) formalities. In big investments where the government, big corporate and financial institutions deals within country or internationally, dispute arises because of company policies, changing e theonomy, conditions of countries, policies of both parties countries dealing with, political environment, etc. ‘Investment Arbitration’ is a policy for economic development and prosperity supported and backed by economic policies by setting up independent disciplines for the development and civilization of institution by enforcing good governance with effective, efficient and disciplined economic reforms which ultimately results in better investment conditions and environment and development of policies for investors protection. 1 So, arbitration of investment dispute is a perfect path of resolving an international dispute among two opponent parties with the help of an arbitrator for the quick decision, it may be between two individuals or individual with the government, financial institutions, corporate or any two parties. The primary source for information for investment arbitration is regional and bilateral investment treaties which are according to United Nation Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Till now there are 2,500 treaties and it is increasing by 50 to 100 in numbers every year. This is primarily because of the growing number of law firms. IISD is an authorized institution for reviewing and revising the main rules of arbitration.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

This article, titled On Being an Atheist, was written by H. J Essay

This article, titled On Being an Atheist, was written by H. J. McCloskey - Essay Example While any person pursues earnest efforts for the purposes of ensuring pursuit of law of Karma that only with limited faith in God entails good results. The case for presentation of arguments is based on comments that would amplify the light of approach on various aspects of building up points to ponder. It is also applicable whether or not it is essential that the following of God should be pursued and to what to extent. Sometimes in too much pursuit of God an impediment is caused for not establishing belief and being practical for getting the desired results. The time should be balanced between prayer and actual achievement of results by putting in the desired level of efforts in accomplishment of work. (McCloskey, 1968) The cosmological arguments as the name stands amplifies equivalent to the philosophy for building up an argument that would derive the existence of a world order. This accentuates spelling out an argument for an illustrious connotation. This exemplifies honorable virtues for bringing about a grand finale to the ensemble that is replete with abundance of pursuits. The awakening that would mastermind myriads of aspects that opens up vistas for sharp acumen for not withdrawing relentless pursuits. The endeavor is on the threshold of a balanced approach in philosophy as well as achievement oriented magnificence of an approach that is commendable. The author McCloskey (1964) is created with an emphasis on various aspects for creating an ambience that would exonerate the various awakenings in the process of healthy achievement that would ensure happiness. The capability would accentuate an approach that is thorough with a knowledge enriched with myriads of ideas invoking knowledge explosi on in the right perspective and direction. It should be ensured that an attraction bereft of minute analysis invoking knowledge that would exemplify the performance for ensuring a positive thrust emboldening wisdom. A balance of mind and

Monday, August 12, 2019

International Business in UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Business in UK - Essay Example The major benefit of outsourcing the operations to the European Union nations would be the opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of the European culture and market specifics, in addition to lower costs of manufacture and haulage. The European Union is a large potential market for UK based manufacturers. Thus, the strategy of outsourcing of business operations can give certain long-term benefits, though it would involve additional production set-up investments, exposure to translation and economic exposure and foreign exchange risks. However, the strategy can be beneficial particularly in the long run and it would keep the UK based organizations in the forefront in terms of cost competition (Gillespie et al. 2010). Formation of the strategic alliance with a European supplier or distributor would help a UK based manufacturer to gain from the existing network and the market knowledge of the supplier. Furthermore, carrying out of this strategy would require limited resources and investment from the UK based companies. However, the companies would be open to the elements to foreign exchange exposure together with supply chain hazards. The potential costs could be both internal and external in nature. For example, the brand image of the UK based organization and the smooth business operation in the European markets would depend on the new outsource associates of the company, thus revealing it to internal risks (Dicken, 2003, pp. 247-250). The outsourcing of the operations to the European Union countries would enable the UK based company to have access to skilled workers, superior infrastructure, government subsidies and other technological support.  Ã‚  The European market is a huge market and carrying out the production there would give the company cost advantage.  

Sunday, August 11, 2019

How did Paul universalize Christ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

How did Paul universalize Christ - Essay Example Though this was the life-changing and decisive moment in his life that made him commit himself to preach the message of the Christ, Paul believed that the calling to serve God came much earlier while he was in his mother’s womb. He believed that this revelation was given to him to continue to work of the prophets who spread the message of the lord in nations across the world. He believed that he was also an apostle who was directly chosen by Christ to preach the message of the lord. Thus following his divine encounter with Christ Paul set out on this missionary task. He was chosen to be a missionary for all people including non-Jews and others living in nations around the world (Edart). Paul began his missionary work by addressing the Jews and later decided to spread the Gospel to non-Jews living around the world and where it had never been heard. He believed that God would guide him along his journey as he had chosen him in the first place to be his messenger. In his travel Paul preached Jews and the non-Jew population in several nations around the world moving from one town to another and having planned his journeys in order to accomplish his mission. In all the places that he visited Paul chose urban cities and towns, areas under Roman administration and with a predominant Greek culture and higher number of Jews as it was easier to relate to these sects of people. He believed that they in turn could carry forward his message to people from other communities. In every city Paul spread the message of the Gospel by participating in the service of the local synagogue where he would address the crowd and announce about the Risen Christ. Apart from places of worship P aul generally chose public places and private homes to give his sermon. Paul addressed members from every sector of the society and his contacts with those belonging to the elite classes helped him conduct discourses to a larger audience and also provided the much needed

Saturday, August 10, 2019

MGT302 - Org. Behavior and Teamwork SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

MGT302 - Org. Behavior and Teamwork SLP - Essay Example This also brings out the fact that the company does no t treat people in any lesser manner only because they are new to the company. Although loyalty is necessary and expected, underperformance is never an option. In terms of the dress code, the option will be to develop a cleat cut and well detailed dress code with all details included. Here the main reason this will be chosen is to ensure there are no unclear rules. Although people working within the environment are professionals, there is a need to identify what is acceptable in the work place. Hence it is always better to set down rules as this will clear all ambiguities and will provide a clear set of expectations from the employees. In terms of monitoring of the employees, the choice here will be to install a program monitoring their Web usage. However this will only be checked in the case of any discrepancies regarding the employees and in the case where any issues are brought out regarding the employees. Allowing free interne t access to employees is useful and possible in the case of a few companies which have the related work profiles (Black).

Friday, August 9, 2019

Home visit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Home visit - Essay Example When the cardiac output decreases, the heart is not able to circulate the blood from the lungs and other body parts leading to the inadequate supply of oxygen and nutrients (Grand Canyon University, 2014). Hypertension is a chronic medical condition that occurs in instances when the force of the blood against the artery wall is high causing various health complications such as heart disease and coronary artery disease. Atrial fibrillation is a sporadic and a rapid heart rate that usually causes poor blood flow to the body. The atria and the ventricle chambers beat out of coordination in an irregular pattern causing the poor flow of blood. Dyspnea refers to the sensation of labored or difficult breathing that heralds serious complication in the lungs or the heart. Increase inaccumulated fat may result to obesity and it is usually signified by an increase in weight. Cheat pain may herald the occurrence of heart problem though may occur because of chest infections. According to the simulated â€Å"Home Visit with Sallie Mae Fisher† video, the following evidences reveal the four major complications affecting the patient. Sallie Mae Fisher has a history of the chronic congestive heart failure whereby in the past six months she has been hospitalized four times in order to receive medication of her deteriorating heart failure. Her problem with hypertension is evident from her history because her blood pressure is 90/56 (Grand Canyon University, 2014). Her history with atrial fibrillation indicates that Sallie Mae Fisher has the ailment. Sallie Mae Fisher’s dyspnea condition is evidenced by the fact that the previous Saturday she was discharged from the hospital after a three-day stay to treat the condition. Her complication with obese is indicated by the 8- pound increase in her weight. The continuous exacerbation of Sallie Mae Fisher’s CFH evidence the chest pain she is undergoing. In order to manage her ill condition, Sallie Mae Fisher is required to observe

The development of key ideas in contemporary management and leadership Essay

The development of key ideas in contemporary management and leadership development - Essay Example The effects of technology and globalization on various sector of the world’s economy had been satisfying. This is not to forget that sometimes the avenue may also find other inappropriate use. For organizations, there has been pressing need to adjust to such advances. For example, organization leadership has been greatly affected by globalization and technology. This is especially so given that various organizations try to make sure that they implement competitive quality management (Arendt et al., 2005). To do so, leadership and other management positions in many organizations have become highly competitive. Technology and globalization has affected management and leaderships of virtually global organizations in the following ways. Organizations are increasingly looking for very flexible, highly skilled and competent personalities to occupy their leadership positions (Rothstein and Burke, 2010). Strategic Human Resources Management There may be many explanations given to stra tegic human resource management (S-HRM). Even so, one may notice that irrespective of various definitions the common denominator usually points to the same meaning. S-HRM, therefore, is just the managerial process requiring human resource policies and practices to be linked with strategic objectives of the organization. The importance of a HR strategy is that it can be used as a tool to gain a competitive advantage. It is by that definition a key factor. Using the traditional approach to strategic management, one may observe that a strategic plan attempt to balance how best to utilize resources available in the business environment in order to meet some established desirable outcomes. S-HRM can as such also be seen as a set of managerial decisions and actions that determines how an organization will eventually perform in the long run. In fact, Mintzberg (1994) assert that a strategy defines an organization and reduces ambiguity. Given that organizations do go changes with time, orga nization development should therefore be approached from a strategic perspective that takes into account all the vital factors that are key to the success of an organization. A strategic management thinking that may impact on the productivity, performance and efficiency of an organization has to take into consideration the following. It should make address: mission and goals, environmental analysis, strategic formulation, strategy implementation and strategy evaluation (Ridderstrale and Nordstrom, 2002). For organizational development, the role and position of the senior management in the organization shall be assessed within the context of organizations missions and goals. The functions and duties of the management should be geared towards achieving the set organization goals, values and objectives. As the management team, they should make sure that they, together with all those who are below them in the organization hierarchy, work towards achieving the organization goals. Goals s hould be consistent with what the organization does so that every effort and input could be analyzed in line with duties allocated. The goals should be measurable especially in the short term (Bordia et al., 2004). Any decision that the management shall execute in line with organization change or organization development shall take into consideration analysis of internal environment and external environment. As pertains to internal environm