Thursday, August 15, 2019

Defender of the Faith/ Philip Roth.

â€Å"l refuse, I can't stop being me, that's all there is to it†. Tears came to his eyes. â€Å"It's a hard thing to be a Jew. But now I understand what Mackey says- it's a harder thing to stay one†. He raised a hand sadly toward me. â€Å"Look at you. † Defender of the Faith/ Philip Roth. The quote above is the part in the Defender of Faith which is a conversation between Crossbars and Marx. Crossbars asks Marx to go out of the army to attend thePassover dinner. Throughout the story we come to understand that Crossbars is taking advantage of the fact that both he and Marx are Jewish for his own benefit. Crossbars tries to â€Å"bond† with Marx on the basis of their common religion, but soon we realize that he uses this common fact to try to get benefits and other privileges. At some point Marx understands that Crossbars is being selfish and is using the religion for his own needs, and gets tired from Crossbar's requests.Crossbars insists that he shouldn' t be treated like everyone else; because he claims that he is better. In addition he throws at Marx accusations saying that he is denting his roots and his family. Crossbars says this only because he is unhappy and doesn't get from Marx what he wants, he calls him a go. â€Å"You even talk like a go. † â€Å"It's a hard thing to be a Jew. But now I understand what Mackey says- It's a harder thing to stay one†.

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